Ce guide est destiné pour les utilisateurs des serveurs Apache Tomcat qui signent des applications (applets) dans Java et utilisent Java Keystore.Remarque : Il n'y a pas de différence entre la création de la demande de CSR pour les certificats Code Signing et les certificats de serveur. Lors de la création de la demande CSR, le nom de la société doit être saisi dans le champ Common Name.

How To Use Curl with HTTPS Protocol and URLS?

Curl is a command line tool and library which implements protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP etc. Curl also supports HTTPS protocol which is secure version of the HTTP. Using curl may create some problems. We will examine how to solve these curl HTTPS related problems. Install Curl We will start with the installation of the curl tool … Lire la suite How To Use Curl with HTTPS Protocol and URLS?

Use a cURL with a username and password?

I want to access a URL that requires a username/password.I want to try it curl Access it.Now I'm doing something similar: curl http://api.somesite.com/test/blah?something=123 I got an error.I think I need to specify a username and password as well as the above commands. How can I do this? #1st floor Same but different grammar curl http://username:password@api.somesite.com/test/blah?something=123 #2nd floor … Lire la suite Use a cURL with a username and password?

Manually delete Apache Kafka topics

Utilisation de la console Zookeeper In the last few versions of Apache’s Kafka, deleting a topic is fairly easy. You just need to set one property in the configuration to ‘true’, and just issue a command to delete a topic. It’ll be deleted in no time. But sometimes, for several reasons unknown to mere mortals … Lire la suite Manually delete Apache Kafka topics

Automate DB Migration

First Steps: Command-line This brief tutorial will teach how to get up and running with the Flyway Command-line tool. It will take you through the steps on how to configure it and how to write and execute your first few database migrations. This tutorial should take you about 5 minutes to complete. Downloading and extracting Flyway Start by downloading … Lire la suite Automate DB Migration

Structured logging with SLF4J and Logback

I don’t know who first coined the term structured logging. There is a 2015 blog post by James Turnbull to get started. Python and .Net developers have libraries dedicated to structured logging : structlog and serilog. In this article I will describe how to do structured logging in Java with usual logging libraries like SLF4J … Lire la suite Structured logging with SLF4J and Logback